More About Me

Many people are
uncomfortable with change, but Kaita Perez figured, if you’re going to change,
may as well go big.

Having just given birth
to her first child, daughter Vivian, Kaita changed careers as well, parlaying
her love of helping people into a real estate license, and a chance to become
involved in what for many will be one of the most consequential decisions of
their lives.

“I had been wanting to
pursue real estate for several years but was always too nervous to take the
risk,” Kaita says. “For some reason, having my daughter gave me the push that I
needed to finally sign up for classes and get my real estate license. I suppose
I thrive on chaos, and thought, ‘Why not add something else to the mix?’”

Vivian doesn’t know her
own strength.

But real estate did seem
a natural fit for Kaita, whether an infant put it up to her or not. Growing up,
Kaita’s mom insisted that any job worth doing was worth doing right. At the
time, this inspirational message was more applicable to, say, the applied
science of setting the table, but it of course translates well into the world
of real estate. 

“I have always been
extremely determined to succeed at anything I do,” Kaita says. “I am very
driven, detail oriented, and will do whatever needs done to accomplish a task.
Specifically as it relates to real estate, I am not driven to just make a sale
– I want to ensure my clients completely understand the processes in a transaction
and I want to help them make decisions that will benefit them not only now, but
also in the future.”

Kaita has certainly been
well qualified to pursue any task she might choose. Her love of helping people
led her to consider a career in nursing, but due to a bit of an aversion to
blood, she felt she was better suited to becoming a real estate agent, a job
that only infrequently involves the treatment of open wounds.

After graduating summa
cum laude
with honors from Shippensburg University, Kaita taught
school for several years before moving on to become an estimating coordinator
in the construction industry, a natural precursor to real estate — which comes
with an added social element.

“I love a good
adrenaline rush and I think selling real estate gives me that,” Kaita says.
“It’s exciting to help someone find their home and I value the friendships that
I have made with clients during the process. My husband (Mark) always jokes
that I never stop talking, so being in real estate just gives me a great excuse
now to be talking 24/7.” 

With Mark and Vivi,
Kaita also enjoys outdoor activities — camping, hiking, fishing, going to the
beach. “It’s funny how ever since we had Vivi it’s like my life started over in
the sense that all of the small things in life are new and exciting because
you’re experiencing it through someone else’s eyes,” she says. 

It’s the same fresh
perspective Kaita gives to all her clients, making each sale a fun and exciting
experience for all involved. No surgery required.

